Masahiko Saga
While working as a DTP operator, I have recently started to draw chickens using Adobe Illustrator because I was very much impressed by works of Itoh Jakuchu, a well-known Japanese painter. As I am not aware of it, but partly because being influenced by Itoh Jakuchu and partly because I love Ukiyo-e, my works are considered to be Japanese-style. However, the fact is I prefer drawing a lifeless and absolute world which
makes people feel horrible when they see it.
Received finalist prizes for Asia Digital Art Award in 2008 and 2009, semi-finalist prize at ASIA GRAPH 2009, etc.
My Works
Masahiko Saga
Masahiko Saga
Masahiko Saga
Entry Works of SAKURA Exhibition
A Blue Cock - Ugetsu
A Blue Cock - Ugetsu
A Blue Cock - Harusame
A Blue Cock - Harusame
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